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Michael Jackson Biopic Gets 2025 Release Date


Michael Jackson will be back on the big screen in 2025 with “Michael,” a biopic directed by Antoine Fuqua and starring the late King of Pop’s nephew Jaafar Jackson.

Lionsgate, which is releasing the movie domestically, while Universal is handling overseas distribution, announced that the film will begin production on Jan. 22 and is set for a global release on April 18, 2025.

Produced by “Bohemian Rhapsody’s” Graham King and scripted by John Logan, the official synopsis for the film reads:

Michael” will bring audiences a riveting and honest portrayal of the brilliant yet complicated man who became the King of Pop. The film presents his triumphs and tragedies on an epic, cinematic scale — from his human side and personal struggles to his undeniable creative genius, exemplified by his most iconic performances. As never before, audiences will experience an inside look into one of the most influential, trailblazing artists the world has ever known.

John Branca and John McClain, the co-executors of Michael Jackson’s estate, will also produce the film.

News of the biopic’s theatrical release comes as Universal and Blumhouse’s “The Exorcist: Deceiver” was pulled from the release schedule and director David Gordon Green exited the project. The “Exorcist” sequel was originally slated for Apr. 18 2025, but the project is now on hold while the studios search for a new helmer.

More to come…


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