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Former Secretary of State Was 100


Henry Kissinger, the secretary of state for Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford who shaped U.S. foreign policy for decades, has died. He was 100.

Kissinger died Wednesday at his home in Connecticut, according to a statement from his consulting film.

As national security advisor and secretary of state in the administrations of Presidents Nixon and Ford between 1969 and 1977, Kissinger played a central role in the historic opening to China in 1972, the end of the Yom Kippur War in the Middle East, and the U.S. extricating itself from the Vietnam War.

Born Heinz Alfred Kissinger on May 27, 1923, in Furth, Germany, he and his family fled Nazi Germany and came to the U.S. in 1938. After becoming an American citizen in 1943, he served in the 84th Army Division from 1943 to 1946, during which he was awarded the Bronze Star. Kissinger later served in the Counter Intelligence Corps in occupied Germany, and was in the U.S. Army Reserves until 1959.

He joined the Nixon administration in January 1969 as national security adviser and, in 1973, was appointed secretary of state (and kept both titles). Kissinger stayed on under President Ford following Nixon’s resignation.

Kissinger is survived by his wife of nearly 50 years, Nancy Maginnes Kissinger; two children by his first marriage, David and Elizabeth; and five grandchildren.

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